Tuesday, August 18, 2009

August 7 2009 - Cleveland

Today was one of the last days that the team could sleep in!

We made sure to take full advantage of the off day by getting up around 8:45 am. We all made our way to breakfast, which was kindly hosted by the hospital. It consisted of eggs, bacon, sausage, potatoes, and pancakes. While we were eating, we listened to a presentation about the hospital and the various parts which specialized in children with disabilities. The most memorable part of the day was when Jamie, a past client, spoke about her experience.

She was a healthy freshman high school student who played on the varsity basketball team, until the day of her accident. While training with the team she collapsed and lost all muscle function within her body. She was quickly rushed to the hospital where she was put into a medically induced coma to prevent further brain damage. When she came out of the coma, she was only able to blink her eyes. The doctors told her that she had a blood clot in her spine which damaged her muscle function and that she would most likely never walk again. Fortunately, through intense physical therapy she made an amazing recovery. She is able to walk and play sports, but with some difficulty in speaking. It is amazing to think about the impact that the hospital had on her life and it was great to know that our fundraising is going to improve the quality of life for people like Jamie.

After listening to Jamie speak, we were given tours around the facility and then hosted for lunch in the courtyard. At lunch, we met some more of the children in the hospital as well as some of the people who work in the facilities. At the conclusion of lunch, our team put together a presentation about bicycle safety as well as a KOB puppet show.

When the puppet show was over, the team got ready for dinner and I made my way to my dad’s house in Medina, Ohio. I was able to spend the evening with some family and return back to lodging in time for bed.

Tomorrow we make our way to Niles, Ohio!

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